Thursday, November 27, 2008

It is Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving is upon us again. Personally I am celebrating my 24th Thanksgiving and it's been 387 years since the traditional first Thanksgiving at Plymouth Plantation in Massachusetts.

As I reflect on the year and the years gone by I could compile a huge list of the people, places, and things I am thankful for and to. I'll not list everyone/thing, but here is a short list.

I am thankful to our sovereign God, not only for what He does for me, but what he does to me most of all. I am thankful for God's sovereignty over all things.

I am thankful for/to my earthly family.

I am thankful for/to my family that God has so graciously grafted me into.

I am thankful for my job. It's not much, but it's more than some people have.

Now for a short list of specifics...

I'm thankful for...
- my Dad: that he is still with us for another Thanksgiving and has always been a real life super hero to me. Even in all of his weakness, his strength and God's strength in him shine through brighter than ever.

- my Mom: for being strong when no one else can be and for holding everything at the home front together.

- The Young (Ryan, Hillary, Kenzie, Riah, and Truth) and the Edwards (Aaron, Danielle, Natalie, and the to-be-born/unnamed baby) families: for welcoming me into their lives and for being wonderful examples of Christ in this world and in my life.

- Boo: for being the best big brother I could ever have. Even though you prayed for me to be, you are just as much a blessing to me.

- Joe: for being my other "big" brother. It's an honor and a privilege to know you and to be considered your friend. Thanks for letting me share in so many of your life experiences and for having me over to play Rock Band all the time :)

- my nieces (Savannah and Jaclyn) and nephew (Jordan): for keeping things light and just being kids. They force us all to be a bit younger.

- my cousin Starla: for all of her prayers, love, and friendship. She's always been there when I needed her, regardless of the many distances between us.

- Brandon, Josh, Matt, Kat, Mel, and Johnny: you guys help me stay sane and have been the some of the best friends God could have given me. Even if we don't hang out and talk everyday, I know that I can count on you guys to have my back if I needed you to stand beside me in a fight or to catch me if I fall.

...and with slight humor I also add...

Harmonix: for creating such a fun game to play whether it's just me or it's with friends.

I'm thankful for you taking the time to read this, and till next time, be thankful...


Starla said...

Awww, thanks cuz!!!!

KayMac said...

Hey, I didn't see my name on your list...jk!!!