Monday, August 03, 2009

What Goes On???

Ah the days of summer are slowly winding down and the fall is just around the corner. The past few months have been extremely uneventful but here's a run down of what went on between my last post and now...

5 - WrestleMania 25 showcased what many people consider a contender for the greatest match of all time, Shawn Michaels vs. The Undertaker.

26 - Carl Edwards flipped at Talladega in a horrifying crash that he miraculously walked away from.

April - June:
The Stanley Cup playoffs dominated much of my time and I watched almost every single Red Wings playoff game w/ Joe and Aaron.

June 6: Went to Kentucky. Dropped off my folks and stayed a week w/ my cousin.

June 22: Came home from KY.

June 27: Met the greatest wrestler to ever lace up his boots: "The Nature Boy" Ric Flair

Dad spent some time in the hospital down there and it was to hard on Mom taking care of both Dad and the kids sooo...

July 3: My brother and I drove down to KY to pick up the parents and the kids and bring 'em back home.

July 6: Came home from KY. I drove 8 hrs straight for the first time.

Since then my Dad spent another few day in the hospital but is feeling better now. I have not done much of anything. I did go to the Highland Games this past Sat. but that's pretty much it.

One bright spot for the summer is that I've found a new show to watch: True Blood on HBO. I'll post a blog about it soon. Also I spent time drooling over any new info that come out regarding The Beatles: Rock Band. I'll blog about it soon.

There's the recap. Check ya later.



Carole said...

you must have been exhausted after driving so much!
was 8hrs hard? said...

It was exhausting, but not what I would call hard. I had Elvis and The Beatles jamming the whole way home which made it a ton easier! :)